Data governance database
The digital revolution has led to an explosion in the availability and use of data. The governance of this ecosystem - balancing economic and social opportunities with the protection of personal information and respect for data ownership - is in flux.
At DI our data landscaping work over the past five years has focused on strengthening national data ecosystems. In this we have become increasingly aware of the tensions that exist between top-down global initiatives and bottom-up national development realities. We have written about these in a series of discussion papers: The data side of leaving no one behind (2021), Data disharmony: How can donors better act on their commitments? (2022) and Is the SDG monitoring framework broken (2023)
This database is being built In preparation for a fourth paper considering the relationships between national, regional and global data governance frameworks. It contains references to documents relating to data governance in all its facets. It is currently limited to African countries and regional organisations as well as global multilaterals and INGOs..
A number of lists compiled by other sources have been used to populate this database. They are acknowledged in the FAQs.
To view the database please register.
If you would like to contribute towards its content please contact bill[dot]anderson[at]devinit[dot]org